Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Fucked over by a Friend

Last week i gave this Drawing (free )to a Friend,who happens to be my boss(Whatever that is?).This week he desides to grass me up for taking a dig at a fucked up little bawsack that works in my Department.This Redheaded fuckup thinks its ok to fuck me up to cover his own back.Well Hell slap it into you.I HOPE IT WAS WORTH IT.I also hope your next shite is a hedgehog and that your finger goes through the bogroll every time you use it.

What do you guys think ?Has this guy done the right thing by covering his back,Or is he a fucked up turncoat bastard who deserves to get some awful ailments? YOU DECIDE.
Oh by the way the Drawing is of his late father in law.I did it to give his wife some comfort in her time of need.I have one of my own Father and it brings me a little reminder of him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Patt , i would make him a nice little fruit scone, only with glass in it so it would cut the fuckers throat, hope your well